Sunday, January 31, 2010

Local Wisdom

Today I have been at the South Bank Centre, London,
assisting Kate Fletcher with a research project
titled 'Local Wisdom'

"An on-going unique fashion project recording the clothes-based ingenuity of our communities"

It is great to see people so passionate about special items of clothing. Local Wisdom is a great platform for these hidden items with amazing stories and just goes to show that wonderful and special clothing can arise anywhere, for anyone at anytime.

If you have a garment that is special to you, bring it along to a local wisdom event, tell its story and be photographed wearing it.

The Local Wisdom website gives more information and lists 18 case studies of garments that people within communities have brought to their nearest Local Wisdom event. The stories of the garments are varied and give a fascinating insight as to why people feel more connected to certain garments and why these have more value than others.

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