Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Showtime Profile

Showtime is a website hosting online portfolios of all graduates from all colleges within University of the Arts London.
These are:
London College of Fashion
Camberwell College of Art
Chelsea College of Art and Design
Wimbledon College of Art
London College of Communication
Central St Martins College of Art and Design

Students and their online portfolio can be found by searching for their name, course  or college through Showtime.
The cohort of MA graduates  2011 have just completed their studies and all current profiles are in the process of being updated in the run up to the exhibition and events throughout the first week of February.
My research has explored the ways in which young people are educated about sustainable fashion and how they can learn skills and find inspiration to create, mend or alter their own clothing. By producing the student textbook and teacher resource guide I aim to raise awareness of the main environmental and ethical issues relating to the fashion and textiles industry. By connecting young people to how and where their clothing is made and the damage such production can cause, it is hoped our young generation will develop a more responsible, unique and creative approach fashion consumption.


  1. love your post!!!
    follow u

  2. i have just stumbled across you! It's great to see your blog and to know that there are other like-minded people out there. I currently run ethical fashion workshops with young people where I like to talk to them and raise their awareness with regards to where their clothes come from and teach them some basic sewing techniques and encourage them to re-vamp their old clothes.

    Please check out, there is a facebook page too.

    I am now following you! Very inspiring. Thank you!

  3. Thank you so much for the lovely comments!
    It's so great to get people involved with sewing - it makes me really happy to see others engaging people in this too. Nice work chic and ethic UK!
